MATLAB Modeling Passive Radar

GDOP Effects in Multi-Static Radar

As part of my undergraduate degree at the University of Aberdeen, I completed an undergraduate thesis. In my thesis, I considered the concept of a multi-static passive radar system capable of tracking commercial civil aircraft using transmitters of opportunity.

A position error in my radar model is defined as the difference between the computed, estimated, or measured value and the true, specified, or theoretically correct value. Any measurement made or position estimated by a radar system there is an associated error. Here I aim to identify the errors associated with a multi-static radar system’s geometry, where they originate, and how to separate them from other system errors to create a model.

MATLAB Modeling Passive Radar

Multiple Object Tracking in a Multi-Static Radar System

As part of my undergraduate degree at the University of Aberdeen, I completed an undergraduate thesis. In my thesis, I considered the concept of a multi-static passive radar system capable of tracking commercial civil aircraft using transmitters of opportunity.

One possible obstacle for a multi-static TDOA radar system is solving a system containing multiple targets. Solving the system quickly enough to enable a quick refresh rate, and real time operation is envisioned as a major obstacle as it could be prohibitive in terms of cost. In this entry I will discuss system complexity while tracking multiple targets, discuss the difference between real and ghost targets and approaches to reduce overall system complexity.


Free Academic Databases and Search Engines

Now that I have graduated I don’t have access to the same resources I did when a student. I find this frustrating, as I enjoy the deeper insight that they provide on topics that interest me. Technical papers are also useful or adding depth to my journal entries. There are search facilities and open access journals available on the internet . Be aware though, that the quality of papers found using search facilities and open access journals listed cannot be guaranteed and the majority have not been peer reviewed.

Passive Radar

System Geometry and 2D Operation

This entry will detail the geometry of multi-static passive RADAR and describe how it obtains a target solution. For this report, a multi-static passive TDOA RADAR configuration will consist of a single receiving station that monitors for direct signals from the transmitters and indirect, multi-path signals reflected from potential targets. Other configurations are possible but the two-dimensional solution described here requires three transmitter-receiver combinations. To obtain a target the system measures the time difference of arrival (TDOA) of the multi-path signal is compared to the direct path signal from the same transmitter. Solutions for possible targets are calculated using the measured TDOA timings.

MATLAB Modeling

Pulse Propagation Modeling in Dispersion Managed Optical Fibers

The following is an excerpt from a group project completed in my finial year at the University of Aberdeen. Dr. Kaliyaperumal Nakkeeran supervised the project. The group project title was Simulation of Pulse Propagation in Optical Fiber Transmission Systems. The aim of the project was to simulate the pulse propagation in dispersion managed (DM) optical fiber transmission systems. Effects like optical losses, group-velocity dispersion and self-phase modulation are analyzed in this project. Part of my contribution to the project was the production of a MATLAB simulation of the pulses’ propagation through the wave-guide.

Passive Radar

Multi-Static TDOA Radar

This entry will cover some of the basic principals of a passive radar system. Using an example system bellow the basic principles of a multi-static TDOA passive radar system will be explained. The basic outline provided in this post will be built upon in the future.

Passive Radar

An Introduction to

Passive radar overview

As part of the finial year of my degree at the University of Aberdeen, I completed an undergraduate thesis. In my thesis, I considered the concept of a multi-static passive radar system capable of tracking civil aircraft using transmitters of opportunity.

I aim to use this journal as a means of exploring the ideas outlined in my thesis and expand upon them. Using this journal I will break down my thesis and re-examine the background, principals, motivations, benefits and applications of a multi-static passive radar system.

This entry will discuss the motivations behind a civil aviation application for a passive radar system.